Saturday, December 31, 2011

7 Most Popular Android Malware

Some malicious programs try to hit OS aka Android malware whose popularity higher. Here are some of the most famous Android malware detected so far, reported by Information Week

1. Android.PjappsM

Beginning in 2010, an attacker download unauthorized programs from Android Market with malware then infects Android.Pjapps. Modified version was redistributed to third-party Android Marketplace. Besides siphoning pulse by sending an SMS premium, this malware according to
Symantec aims to steal personal user data that the device is infected.

2. Android.Geinimi

Known trojan named Geinimi is spread mainly in China. He infects the Android game and once installed on the user's device, the device was so mobile botnet can be controlled from a remote attacker.

3. AndroidOS.FakePlayer

According to Symantec, this malicious program disguised himself as a media player application. If installed, it will silently send SMS premium on numbers in Russia.

4. DroidDream (aka, Android.Rootcager)

DroidDream including malware that infects the craze with about 60 different applications in the Android Market and infecting hundreds of thousands of users in the first quarter of 2011. This malware is changing the infected device into a botnet, security through Android, installing additional software and steal data.

5 Android.Bgserv

Some time after the brunt of DroidDream, Google released a tool to 'cure' the infected device. But cyber criminals also mendompleng this moment with the release of counterfeit versions of the evil. Luckily not too dangerous but still able to steal data.

6. GGTracker

Threats GGTracker otherwise quite sophisticated. Cyber ​​criminals to trick user to create a mobile web page that looks like the Android Market, where most users are stuck downloading a fake battery-saving applications. If installed, the malware will send premium SMS at a cost of up to USD 40 per SMS.

7. DroidKungFu

This tactic by malware authors are distributing unauthorized applications on the Android Market, waiting for many users to download it, then menginjeksinya with malware when the user do an update over the air (OTA). Luckily, DroidKungFu already known 'crimes' before infecting a user so that it did not go to the Android Market.
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